

  • About the Long-Term Care Data Cooperative (LTCDC)
  • Mission Statement
  • Governance
  • Meet The Team
  • In The News
  • Research Project Summaries
  • Questions?
  • Partners

For Providers Page

  • Why Join?
  • How to Join
  • Town Halls
  • Read-Only Agreements
  • Data Security Guide
  • Why Join Document
  • General FAQs
  • Privacy Policy
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Terms of Use

For Researchers Page

  • Information for Applicants
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Apply Here
  • Researcher Application (PDF)
  • Researcher Application & Review Process
  • Research Categories, Topics, & Examples
  • Publications Policy
  • Cost to Access LTC Data Cooperative EHR Data
  • Data Configuration Form (example) *needs to be added*
  • Privacy Policy
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Terms of Use

Data Page

  • Counts of Skilled Nursing Facilities Residents
  • Resident Characteristics
  • Technical User Guide
  • LTC Data Cooperative “by the numbers” infographic
  • Data Configuration Form (example)
